

MARUWA (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

1989 Maruwa established in Malaysia Maruwa (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd : 26th Dec 1989
1990 First batch of employees (management and production) started their jobs.
Establishment of Extraction Department
End of 1991 The establishment of Substrate Department with 10 employees.
1992 Opening of second plant and establishment of new department
(Slider) Maruwa (M) Sdn Bhd has 200 employees.
1996 The construction of the third plant.
1997 Opening of ceramic valve department .
The manpower increase to 900 employees.
Receive recognition of company ISO 9001 : 1997
1999 Establishment of Maruwa Trading Sdn Bhd : 18th June 1999
2000 Opening of the fifth plant by Datuk Dr Fong Chan Onn (Minister of Human Resources)
2001 Receive recognition of company MS ISO 14001
2003 Has 1200 employees. Vision 2006 created
2004 Groundbreaking ceremony for the sixth plant by Y.A.B Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam.
2006 MARUWA (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. won Chief Minister Award in Melaka, Malaysia as the excellent company which accomplish social responsibility
2009 Establishment of Maruwa Melaka Sdn Bhd : 30th Oct 2009
2011 Establishment of Maruwa Lightings Sdn Bhd : 8th Oct 2011
2015 Opening of new Plant factory 10 : 30th Apr 2015
2017 Opening Yamagiwa Showroom in Shah Alam
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